Samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly). Samgyeopsal (Korean Pork Belly) grilling on pan. Samgyeopsal 삼겹살 simply means pork belly in Korean, while Samgyeopsal Gui 삼겹살 구이 means grilled pork belly. Normally, unseasoned, plain slices of pork belly are grilled either on a special pan designed to draw away fat (like this one in my Amazon store) or on a charcoal grill and then enjoyed with various condiments then wrapped in.
Place all serving plates onto the table.
Korean pork belly BBQ (samgyeopsal-gui) is a really simple and easy recipe.
This is one of the more popular Korean BBQ options which consists of pan-fried sliced pork belly, fresh romaine lettuce leaves, sliced garlic, sesame oil, and gochujang.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak susah, teman-teman dapat membuat Samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly) hanya dengan menggunakan 16 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly)!
Bahan Samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly)
- Sediakan 1/2 kg of daging babi bagian samcan / perut/ pork belly.
- Dibutuhkan 6 sdm of kecap asin (abc).
- Sediakan 1 sdm of saus tiram (lee kum kee).
- Siapkan 1 sdm of minyak wijen (lee kum kee).
- Sediakan 1 sdt of five spice / ngohiong/ bubuk 5 rempah.
- Gunakan 1/2 sdt of lada bubuk.
- Sediakan 1 sdm of gula.
- Gunakan 4 of bawang putih.
- Diperlukan 1 of bawang bombay.
- Dibutuhkan of Bahan saus taucho.
- Sediakan 2 sdm of taucho.
- Diperlukan 1 of bawang putih.
- Siapkan 100 ml of air.
- Siapkan 1 sdm of gula.
- Diperlukan Sejumput of garam.
- Siapkan 1 sdm of maizena atau kanji larutkan dengan sedikit air.
Now, how about we try some home cooking? Well, let's start the task by having a kitchen experiment on Home-made Korean Samgyeopsal! Samgyeopsal is a famous Korean dish which is particularly grilled pork belly. Upon grilling, the pork belly is wrapped by vegetable leaves such as lettuce.
Cara membuat Samgyeopsal (grilled pork belly)
- Cuci dan bekukan daging. Setelah beku potong slice. Daging lebih mudah dipotong slice saat beku.
- Marinasi daging dengan : kecap asin, saus tiram, minyak wijen, gula, lada, ngohiong. Diamkan di kulkas minimal 30 menit..
- Iris bawang bombay dan bawang putih..
- Grill daging dan bawang bombay dan bawang putih. Sampai kecoklatan dan balik..
- Membuat saus taucho : geprek bawang putih, lalu tumis sampai kecoklatan. Masukan taucho tumis sampai taucho mengeluarkan bau dan berubah warna. Beri air gula dan garam. Jika sudah mendidih beri larutan tepung maizena/kanji untuk mengentalkan..
Give a gentle massage to coat the pork belly. You can easily find thinly sliced pork belly in Korean markets. The last step of course is to serve and enjoy the grilled pork belly. What I usually do is use the same Korean BBQ sauce I used for marinating as a dipping sauce, as well. The traditional way to eat samgyupsal-gui involves making lettuce wraps with tasty fillings inside.