Pon De Ring (Donat Mochi). Some of you may be wondering if Pon de Ring is (or is similar to) Mochi Donut. But I have to tell you Pon de Ring is NOT Mochi Donut and here's why. Made of tapioca flour and wheat flour (officially mentioned by Mister Donut) Soft, airy, bouncy, and chewy; Mochi Donut.
Actually they just released their new donuts with actual mochi inside which has made Japanese people go crazy.
Mochi Donuts AKA Pon De Rings are all the rage in Japan when it comes to donuts.
If you've never tried Mochi Donuts before they're basically these pillowy soft and moist donuts.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, sobat dapat menyiapkan Pon De Ring (Donat Mochi) hanya dengan menggunakan 14 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Pon De Ring (Donat Mochi)!
Bahan-bahan Pon De Ring (Donat Mochi)
- Siapkan of Bahan Starter :.
- Siapkan 30 gram of tepung ketan.
- Sediakan 2 sdm of susu cair.
- Diperlukan of Bahan Lainnya :.
- Gunakan 225 gram of tepung ketan.
- Gunakan 50 gram of gula pasir (saya 35gram).
- Diperlukan 1 butir of telur.
- Siapkan 35 gram of margarin cair.
- Siapkan 120 gram of susu cair.
- Sediakan 1 sdt of baking powder.
- Dibutuhkan sejumput of garam.
- Gunakan of Toping :.
- Gunakan of Gula halus.
- Gunakan of Coklat leleh.
It has a mochi like inside and a crispy outside. Most Mochi Donuts require frying, which of course is always much more tasty. The Dough Club, a modern Japanese bakery known for their Japanese "Pon de Ring" style mochi doughnuts. The doughnuts are made fresh daily in small batches using the finest ingredients sourced locally.
Langkah-langkah membuat Pon De Ring (Donat Mochi)
- Campur bahan starter aduk rata lalu kukus selama 5 menit angkat sisihkan.
- Dalam wadah campur tepung ketan garam gula pasir baking powder, kemudian campur telur susu dan juga margarin cair aduk rata tuang kedalam adonan kering sambil diaduk rata.
- Setelah itu masukkan adonan starter kemudian uleni hingga kalis tutup dengan serbet atau plastik wrap supaya adonan'a tidak kering, ambil secukupnya adonan bulatkan lalu bentuk menyerupai ring tata diatas kertas roti lakukan sampe adonan habis.
- Panaskan minyak goreng secukupnya lalu goreng donat beserta kertas roti selang beberapa detik ambil/angkat kertas roti'a goreng donat hingga kecoklatan angkat tiriskan biarkan suhu ruang.
- Lelehkan dcc secukupnya lalu celup donat mochi setengah bagian saja biarkan coklat set lalu beri taburan gula halus dan siap dinikmati~.
They've even recently reached Sydney Australia! Today I am making Mochi Donuts! This mochi donut recipe is a simple to make gooey sticky sweet perfect mochi pon de ring donut! They have many more pon de ring flavors and they currently have some cherry blossom specials as well. Because since then, Japans Mister Donut Pon de Ring Mochi Donuts have been taking the world by storm!