Korean qq mochi bread. What is Korean QQ Mochi Bread? Well, it is QQ (chewy), has crusty skin, and the interior is just like a puffed up mochi. I was hooked up to these chewy little bread when I first tried it at Sun Moulin.
Making these Korean Mochi bread is quite simple.
Although it mention it is a bread but no yeast is added.
After analysing their ingredients and on the assumption that Mochiko flour is the same as our glutinous flour, I proceed to test the recipe.
Cara membuatnya pun tidak sulit, kawan-kawan dapat membuat Korean qq mochi bread hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Korean qq mochi bread yuk!
Bahan Korean qq mochi bread
- Sediakan 180 gr of tepung ketan.
- Dibutuhkan 20 gr of tepung protein tinggi.
- Diperlukan 10 of susu bubuk.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdm munjung of gula pasir.
- Gunakan 120 gr of susu cair.
- Diperlukan 60 gr of minyak sayur.
- Gunakan 1 sdm of kecap asin.
- Sediakan Sejumput of garam.
- Sediakan 1 butir of telur kocok lepas.
- Diperlukan 20 gr of wijen hitam, bisa yg mentah atau yg sdh disangrai.
Home » Breads » Recipes » Cheesy Korean Mochi QQ Balls. Soft and chewy on the inside and tasty all around, these cheesy Korean mochi QQ balls are easy to make and easy to eat! It's another delicious gluten-free baked treat you're going to love! Every time before returning back to KL, I usually be swamped with days of continuous bread and cake baking to fill up the fridge bread supply for the maid (while I am away) as well as to fill up my hand carry luggage with various bakes requested by my buddies.
Langkah-langkah membuat Korean qq mochi bread
- Ayak jadi 1 tepung ketan, tepung trigu, dan susu bubuk, sisihkan.
- Didihkan dengan api kecil susu cair, minyak, kecap asin dan garam, aduk rata..
- Matikan api, angkat dr kompor lalu masukkan campuran tepung tadi aduk cepat tambahkan gula pasir.
- Tambahkan telur lalu uleni atau bisa dimixer speed rendah kurleb 1 menit, tambahkan wijen lanjut mixer hingga rata.
- Timbang per 40 gr atau bagi menjadi 12, bulatkan tata diloyang alasi kertas roti, oles atasnya dengan air agar hasilnya renyah.
- Panggang dengan suhu 170 dc selama 25-30 mnit. Sesuaikan oven masing". Angkat sajikan saat hangat lebih enak..
Mochi is a type of Japanese rice cake made by steaming glutinous rice flour with sugar and water. The steamed dough is then cut into bite-size pieces and shape into a ball or any other shape. It may be eaten plain or filled up with different fillings of your choice. Baked mochi. (aka korean bread as proclaimed by that young boss of Queen baking supply ). Diana Gale says I want to bake this Korean QQ bun but can't find the bread mix.