Mochi rainbow. Mochi is a traditional Japanese rice cake snack enjoyed throughout Maintaining its flavors and chewy texture, Tea Zone Original Mini Mochi is condensed into bite size. Rainbow mochi cake is soft and tender with that quintessential rice cake chew but today, its presented in natural, food based rainbow colors for a fun mochi experience. We hunt for affordable accessories to complete consumers' outfits!
I've heard of them having Mochi in California Lucky, I wanna taste.
They looks so yummy >w< What do they taste like?
Mochi rice cakes are a sweet Asian dessert treat, now in rainbow colors.
Teman-teman dapat memasak Mochi rainbow hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Mochi rainbow yuk!
Bahan-bahan Mochi rainbow
- Sediakan 150 gr of tepung ketan.
- Sediakan 6 gr of tepung terigu.
- Gunakan sejumput of Garam.
- Sediakan of Santan 150ml (65ml santan kental, sisanya air hangat).
- Gunakan of Isian :.
- Dibutuhkan of Cokelat.
- Diperlukan of Keju.
- Gunakan of Kacang tanah sangrai.
- Diperlukan of Gula pasir.
- Siapkan of Air hangat.
A soft and chewy texture, these rice cakes will disappear before you know it. Eat them by themselves, or use them as a topping. First time drawing our little mochi Jiminie here, but it didn't turn out that bad what do you think? I have stared a project which is to watercolor every members' eye with a rainbow twist :wink Get comfy with appetizing toast topped with a gorgeous rainbow spread!
Cara membuat Mochi rainbow
- Buat isian kacang tanah terlebih dahulu, kacang sangrai, tumbuk kasar, beri gula secukupnya dan air hangat secukupnya hingga pulung.
- Campurkan tepung ketan, terigu, garam dengan santan sedikit demi sedikit.
- Siapkan wadah untuk pewarnaan mochi.
- Kukus dengan tatakan plastik anti panas, hingga adonan terlihat sudah bening, angkat..
- Beri minyak pada tangan saat membulatkan mochi dan beri isian sesuai selera. Terakhir beri maizena sangrai agar tidak lengket.
- Mochi siap disajikan.
Fans Mochi Mochi Rainbow Bread Cushion. ©system service co., ltd. Soft, multi pastel colored pieces of marshmallow-like chewy morsels covered in powder. Japanese names: もきち (Mokichi) or 餅きん (Mochi Kin) The other name: 餅入り きんちゃく (Mochi-iri_Kinchaku) (Former artist tag Mochihairi Kinchaku is misreading.) Mochi topping is a delicious gluten free Asian dessert guaranteed to satisfy your sweet cravings. Our Mini Mochi (aka Rice Cake) is one of our most popular toppings. Mochi Rainbow Kecil, tekstur kenyal, manis nya pas, dan isinya melimpah.