Tapioka Warabi Mochi 🇮🇩. Warabi Mochi is a chilled, deliciously chewy, jelly-like mochi covered with sweet and nutty soybean powder and drizzled with kuromitsu syrup. Combine the water, sugar, and tapioca (the ○ ingredients) in a pot. Warabi Mochi is also very popular in the summertime, especially in the Kansai region and Okinawa, and often sold from trucks, similar to an ice cream truck in Western countries.
It differs from true mochi made from glutinous rice.
It is popular in the summertime, especially in the Kansai region and Okinawa, and often sold from trucks.
Warabi Mochi: My favorite kind of Japanese mochi, dusted with delicious kinako (roasted soy powder)!
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, kalian dapat menyiapkan Tapioka Warabi Mochi 🇮🇩 hanya dengan menggunakan 11 bahan dan 5 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Tapioka Warabi Mochi 🇮🇩 yuk!
Bahan-bahan Tapioka Warabi Mochi 🇮🇩
- Sediakan of Tapioka Mochi:.
- Gunakan 70 gr of tapioka.
- Siapkan 60 gr of gula pasir.
- Dibutuhkan 200 ml of air (resep asli: 150ml).
- Diperlukan 5 tetes of pewarna makanan merah cherri.
- Siapkan of Topping/pelengkap:.
- Siapkan 1 sachet (20 gr) of santan bubuk.
- Gunakan 5 sdm of gula merah cair/ganti SKM.
- Sediakan of Perendam Mochi:.
- Dibutuhkan of Air.
- Sediakan of Es batu.
Very popular in hot weather in Japan. We had our first taste of warabi mochi on the basement floor of the Tokyu department store in Shibuya, Tokyo. Warabi Mochi is a cool and smooth Mochi-like dessert, typically with Kinako (powdered soy bean) and sugar. The refreshing look of translucent/transparent Warabi Mochi and the cold sensation of it going down your throat have been enjoyed by people for a thousand years during Japan's hot and humid.
Cara membuat Tapioka Warabi Mochi 🇮🇩
- Untuk mendinginkan mochi, siapkan secukupnya air dan es batu di baskom kecil..
- Campur tapioka, gula pasir, air dan pewarna makanan..
- Masak dengan api kecil sambil terus diaduk. Masak sampai tepung sagu matang, menggumpal dan warnanya berubah menjadi bening..
- Masukkan ke dalam air es untuk mendinginkan. Potong-potong dengan gunting atau tangan sebesar suapan kecil. Lanjutkan merendam sampai warabi mochi benar-benar dingin. Tiriskan..
- Pindahkan ke wadah saji, sajikan dengan santan bubuk dan Gula merah cair atau SKM..
Warabi Mochi is a chilled, deliciously chewy, jelly-like mochi covered with sweet and nutty soybean powder and drizzled with kuromitsu syrup. Put the mochi into the prepared ice water. This warabi mochi recipe is as easy as they come and deliciously chewy. Warabi mochi is made by dissolving sugar and the starch from warabi bracken (a type of edible fern) in water, letting it set into a jelly-like mixture, and dusting it with kinako soy bean flour. Warabi Mochi is a light Japanese dessert made with bracken starch, coated in roasted soybean flour and dipped in black sugar syrup.