Mochi Coconut Fruits Ice Cream. Ice Cream Ingredients: Milk, sugar, cream, coconut base (sugar, creamed coconut, xanthan gum, mono & diglycerides), toasted coconut (toasted coconut (coconut, sugar, dextrose, salt), sugar, partially hydrogenated palm kernel oil, cocoa (processed with alkali), salt, soy lecithin and natural. Looking for a fun cooking project with your children? The popular Japanese dessert is easier to make than you think.
Make Your Own Japanese Ice Cream Balls!
You can customize with your favorite Highlights - Removable infuser holds fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs - Adds flavour to water Here is some strawberry ice cream mochi.
This is actually my favorite flavor in ice cream mochis.
Cara membuatnya pun cukup mudah, sobat dapat membuat Mochi Coconut Fruits Ice Cream hanya dengan menggunakan 16 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, yuk kita coba resep Mochi Coconut Fruits Ice Cream!
Bahan-bahan Mochi Coconut Fruits Ice Cream
- Dibutuhkan of BAHAN COCONUT ICE CREAM :.
- Dibutuhkan 50 gr of Whipped cream bubuk.
- Siapkan 100 gr of Susu cair UHT.
- Gunakan 50 gr of Daging kelapa muda (iris tipis).
- Siapkan 2 sdm of Santan kental.
- Gunakan 1/8 sdt of Garam bubuk.
- Diperlukan of BAHAN MOCHI :.
- Siapkan 10 sdm of / 75 gr Tepung Ketan Putih.
- Dibutuhkan 1 sdm of / 10 gr Tepung Beras.
- Gunakan 3 sdm of / 40 gr Gula Pasir.
- Dibutuhkan 1/8 sdt of Garam Halus.
- Sediakan 115 ml of Air.
- Sediakan 35 ml of Santan Kental.
- Gunakan 2 tetes of Pewarna Makanan (saya pakai hijau & red rose).
- Sediakan 3 sdm of Tepung Tapioka/Maizena/Ketan (saya pakai tepung maizena).
Lay the bag of ice cream flat on the counter and snip around the top of the bag, then peel it off. Mochi ice cream is a confection made from Japanese mochi (pounded sticky rice) with an ice cream filling. It was invented by Japanese-American businesswoman and activist Frances Hashimoto. Mochi ice cream is a small, round confection consisting of a soft, pounded sticky rice dumpling (mochi).
Langkah-langkah memasak Mochi Coconut Fruits Ice Cream
- COCONUT ICE CREAM : Bekukan susu cair sampai setengah beku, sekitar 3 jam di freezer. Campur whipped cream bubuk, santan kental, & garam lalu aduk rata..
- Tuang susu cair setengah beku sedikit demi sedikit sambil di mikser kecepatan tinggi sampai mengembang. Lalu masukkan irisan daging kelapa muda, mikser dengan kecepatan tinggi sampai mengembang, lembut, dan adonan ringan..
- Tuang sesendok ice cream diatas plastik, beri buah-buahan diatasnya (saya pakai setroberi), tutup dengan sesendok ice cream lagi sampai buah tertutupi ice cream, lalu bungkus rapat dan bekukan di freezer. Keluarkan saat akan dipakai untuk isian mochi..
- MOCHI : Campur semua bahan, aduk rata sampai tidak ada yang bergerindil..
- Bagi menjadi 3 wadah, beri pewarna makanan pada masing-masing wadah. Kukus selama 25-30 menit (sebelumnya, kukusan sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu). Angkat dan langsung aduk-aduk adonan selagi panas. Tunggu hingga dingin, lalu pipihkan, isi dengan es krim beku lalu bentuk bulat sampai es krim terbalut adonan mochi..
- Gulingkan di tepung baluran (sebelumnya, sangrai tepung selama 5 menit sampai tepung ringan dan halus, aduk-aduk tepung selama disangrai). Simpan di freezer selama +- 2 jam, keluarkan dan sajikan..
Mochi ice cream is awesome, because it's soft chewy mochi wrapped, often flavoured like coconut, matcha, or mango and stuffed with similar flavoured ice cream. Don't get me wrong, this recipe is great too, but the passionfruit flavour is nowhere near what it would be with actual fruit purée. Tasting a Wao Mochi is, in itself, an experience. It is about discovering new flavours and textures that open us up to completely new sensations. The reinterpretation of a Japanese classic from Mediterranean expertise results in a truly surprising and new snack.